French Speaking Classes on Lingoda: My Honest Feedback
Read my review of Lingoda’s French speaking classes and see how I improved my conversation skills in just a few weeks.
Explore the fun side of languages
Read my review of Lingoda’s French speaking classes and see how I improved my conversation skills in just a few weeks.
Are you planning on traveling to Italy? You’ve got the tickets, hotel bookings, a list of places you want to visit but there’s one more thing you really need and …
If you are reading this, you probably have at least a couple of favourite Spanish songs. A lot of people start learning Spanish just so they can understand the lyrics …
You can learn thousands of Italian words but you will hardly ever use all of them. And yet, there will be some Italian phrases which you’ll hear all the time …
If you ever had a job interview in a foreign language, you know how different it is than speaking the same language in an informal situation. I remember the first time …
It always blows my mind when I think of all the content available on Youtube, and the fact that my whole life wouldn’t be enough to watch everything I would find …
I’ve been there, and I know you’ve been there, too. You start learning a language, you are excited at first, you think you can make it and can’t wait to …
When I first asked myself this question several weeks ago, I thought: yes. Yes, you can learn a language in 30 days if you are really motivated, dedicated to that, …
If you have been struggling with learning French, you probably wonder how you could make it less difficult and more fun. I present to you my favuorite way to practice French …