Hi, I’m Lily, a language teacher and an enthusiastic learner.


I don’t think learning a language should be so hard, I’m sure it can be easy and fun as long as you find the right approach for you. Most people get discouraged after they’ve tried the traditional language classes but the thing is there are SO many ways to learn a language, and with all resources available online, it’s just a matter of finding the ones that work best for you.



Beyond the Language Barrier is my desire to share with the world all kinds of best practices, fun tools and clever methods to learn a language. If you have any suggestions of cool websites which can help you learn (regardless of the target language) while enjoying yourself, please send me an email to info@beyondthelanguagebarrier.com, or submit a comment below any of the posts. I will be glad to discover new language learning tactics and share them with the readers of this blog.